Contributing to Building a Low-carbon Society

Efforts to Save Energy and Reduce CO2 Emissions

Sumitomo Pharma aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1+2) to zero by fiscal 2050 through fossil fuel substitution. This will be achieved through the active use of energy saving and carbon dioxide eliminating technologies, which are expected to advance in the future, and renewable energy which is forecast to expand.

In fiscal 2022, we successfully reduced GHG emissions (Scope 1+2) by 47% (non-consolidated) compared to fiscal 2017 by fiscal 2030, achieving our target ahead of schedule that aimed to reduce GHG emissions by 35%. The key driver for this success was the shift to 100% renewable energy sources for electricity used*1 at Oita Plant from November 2021 and for electricity purchased*2 at Suzuka Plant from April 2022.
In fiscal 2023, we raised the target to “reduce GHG emissions (Scope 1+2) by 42% (consolidated) compared to fiscal 2020 by fiscal 2030” while also setting a Scope 3 target, which seeks to reduce GHG emissions (Scope 3 Category 1:Purchased goods and services) by 25% (consolidated) compared to fiscal 2020 by fiscal 2030. These targets for fiscal 2030 have been approved by the SBT Initiative in October 2023 as “targets for 1.5℃.” To attain the targets in Scope 1+2, we will further introduce non-fossil energy sources, such as renewables, and systematically pursue capital investments that contribute to energy saving and CO2 reductions through switching to LED lights and introducing energy-efficient facilities, taking into consideration the cost effectiveness in terms of CO2 reduction (yen/t-CO2) and the payback period of each measure, and we have switched the purchased electricity at the Tokyo Head Office to 100% renewable energy in April 2024. Additionally, we support all policies in addressing global warming prevention, including the Japanese Government’s carbon neutral declaration. In support of “Decokatsu*3” initiative which is being promoted by the government, we made the “Decokatsu” declaration in January 2024. We are actively raising awareness among our executives and employees by using the “Decokatsu” logo as well as the icons for Sustainable Development Goal 7 and 13. Each of us engage steadily in energy saving actions, such as thoroughly controlling air conditioning temperatures, reducing the use of air conditioners by dressing appropriately, and green driving. Furthermore, we support Japan’s laws and regulations concerning energy saving and climate change, such as the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and Shifting to Non-fossil Energy, the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures, and the Climate Change Adaptation Act. We also appropriately report our energy consumption and other relevant information to the government on a regular basis.

the logo of Decokatsu, SDGs Goal 7 and 13

CO2 Emissions (Energy Sources) Trends

The figure below shows the transition of GHG emissions toward the fiscal 2022 target: “Reduce GHG emissions (Scope 1+2) by 35% (non-consolidated) compared to fiscal 2017 by fiscal 2030.” The target was achieved ahead of schedule in fiscal 2022, with emissions reduced by 47%.

Trends in GHG emissions reduction targets (non-consolidated) with FY2017 as base year
Trends in GHG emissions reduction targets (non-consolidated)

Boundary of calculation: Non-consolidated (Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd. only)

As of fiscal 2022, The figure below shows the transition of emissions toward the new target that was started in fiscal 2023: “Reduce GHG emissions (Scope 1+2) by 42% (consolidated) compared to fiscal 2020 by fiscal 2030.” In fiscal 2022, a reduction of approximately 25% was achieved.

Trends in GHG emissions reduction targets (consolidated) with FY2020 as base year
Trends in GHG emissions reduction targets (consolidated)

Boundary of calculation: Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd., consolidated subsidiaries in Japan, overseas consolidated subsidiaries
For information on the details of the calculation criteria, please see "ESG Data Table."

Proportion of Renewable Energy Use

In fiscal 2022, renewable energy comprised approximately 12% of total energy use. We will continue to introduce renewable energy systematically to increase the proportion used.

rate of renewable energy consumption

Boundary of calculation: Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd., consolidated subsidiaries in Japan, overseas consolidated subsidiaries
For information on the details of the calculation criteria, please see "ESG Data Table."

Solar Power Generating Systems

Sumitomo Pharma has installed solar power generation systems at our Central Research Laboratories and the Osaka Research Center and the amount generated at our Central Research Laboratories in fiscal 2022was 89 MWh. The total amount generated at our Osaka Research Center could not be calculated for fiscal 2022 due to instrument faults but the system generated electricity throughout the year. The solar power generation is displayed real-time on a monitor screen inside the research building to enhance environmental awareness of the employees.

Solar panels on the roof of a Central Research Laboratories building

Solar panels on the roof of a Central Research Laboratories building

Solar power generation displayed real-time on a monitor screen

Solar power generation displayed real-time on a monitor screen

Accounting of CO2 Emissions across the Supply Chain

We work to monitor CO2 emissions across the supply chain. CO2 emissions both by Scope and by Category (in Scope 3) are as shown in the table below. Our Scope 3 emissions gradually decreased from fiscal 2020 to 2022 primarily due to the decrease in CO2 emissions in Category 1 (purchased goods and services). In fiscal 2020 and 2021, the amount of business travel plunged as a result of countermeasures against COVID-19. In fiscal 2022, however, it largely recovered to pre-COVID levels, leading to a significant increase in Category 6 (business travel) CO2 emissions compared with fiscal 2020 and 2021.
In fiscal 2022, Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. joined the CDP Supply Chain Program*4. As a member of Sumitomo Chemical Group, we request disclosure of GHG emissions from our main suppliers, in accordance with the program and as part of our ongoing effort to use primary data*5 to determine Scope 3 Category 1 emissions. In a bid to promote sustainability in the entire value chain, we have established the “Sustainable Code of Conduct for Business Partners"*6, which sets five priority categories that we expect our business partners to work on. As for the environment, one of the key categories, our business partners are requested to set targets for GHG reductions voluntarily and take actions to achieve them. Additionally, we have set a new consolidated target to reduce GHG emissions (Scope 3, Category 1) by 25% compared with fiscal 2020 by fiscal 2030. We work on reducing Scope 3 emissions through the CDP Supply Chain Program and collaboration with our business partners.

CO2 Emissions by Scope

Scope Definition CO2 Emissions
(t-CO2)in FY2020
CO2 Emissions
(t-CO2)in FY2021
CO2 Emissions
(t-CO2)in FY2022
Scope1 Direct emissions of greenhouse gases from ourselves (fuel combustion, industrial processes) 19,514 21,398 27,829 Shown in the graphs of CO2 Emissions (Energy Sources) Trends
Scope2 Indirect emissions from the consumption of electricity, heating, cooling and steam supplied by other parties 38,753 40,351 26,518
Scope3 Indirect emissions other than those covered in Scope 1 and Scope 2 (emissions by other parties involved with the activities of our business) 393,124 382,293 364,869 Shown in the table below

CO2 Emissions by Category (Scope 3)

Category CO2 Emissions
in FY2020
CO2 Emissions
in FY2021
CO2 Emissions
in FY2022
Methods of Calculation and
Emissions Intensity, etc.
1 Purchased goods and services 344,160 332,970 310,925 Calculated by multiplying the purchase price of raw and packaging materials for products and purchased goods as well as manufacturing outsourcing costs by the emission intensity values stated in the DB of the Ministry of the Environment. Non-consolidated basis
2 Capital goods 19,669 19,015 24,134 Calculated by multiplying the acquisition price of the fixed asset by the emissions intensity in Japanese Ministry of the Environment database Consolidated basis, including overseas subsidiaries
3 Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 15,793 15,643 15,048 Calculated by multiplying purchased electricity and steam by the emissions intensity in Japanese Ministry of the Environment database and purchased fuel by the emissions intensity in Carbon Footprint database or lifecycle inventory (LCI) database Non-consolidated basis
4 Upstream transportation and distribution 860 824 853 Calculated by multiplying ton/kilometer for the transportation scenario by the emissions intensity in Japanese Ministry of the Environment database and LCI database Transport in Japan, on a non-consolidated basis
5 Waste generated in operations 1,943 4,466 3,655 Calculated by multiplying the weight of waste according to type and processing method by the emissions intensity in Japanese Ministry of the Environment database Plants, research laboratories, distribution centers on a non-consolidated basis
6 Business travel 554 886 3,140 Calculated by multiplying business travel expenses paid by the emissions intensity in Japanese Ministry of the Environment database Non-consolidated basis
7 Employee commuting 732 651 634 Calculated by multiplying commuting cost according to transportation means by the emissions intensity in Japanese Ministry of the Environment database Non-consolidated basis
8 Upstream leased assets Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
9 Downstream transportation and distribution 4,204 3,344 3,555 Calculated by multiplying CO2 emissions (estimate) per unit of sales in major pharmaceutical wholesaling by sales of our products in pharmaceutical wholesale segment Non-consolidated basis
10 Processing of sold products Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
11 Use of sold products 4,770 4,065 2,521 Calculated by multiplying HFC amount in pharmaceutical MDIs (metered dose inhalers) sold by GWP Non-consolidated basis
12 End-of-life treatment of sold products 335 323 302 Calculated by multiplying the weight of the container and packaging according to material based on "Containers and Packaging Recycling Law" by the emissions intensity in Japanese Ministry of the Environment database Non-consolidated basis
13 Downstream leased assets 104 106 103 Calculated by multiplying the energy consumption of the building asset owned and rented out by the conversion factors based on "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting, Reporting, and Disclosure System" which is provided in "Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures" Non-consolidated basis
14 Franchises Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant
15 Investments Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant

Japanese Ministry of the Environment database (Ver. 3.1 applied to fiscal 2020 emissions, Ver. 3.2 applied to fiscal 2021 emissions, Ver. 3.3 applied to fiscal 2022 emissions): The database on emissions unit values for accounting of greenhouse gas emissions, etc. by organizations throughout the supply chain

LCI database: LCI database IDEAv2 (for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the supply chain)

  • Note:
  • As for Category 1 (purchased goods and services) and Category 2 (capital goods), figures for fiscal 2022 were calculated considering consumption tax. This is because “the Japanese Ministry of the Environment’s database on emissions unit values for accounting of greenhouse gas emissions, etc. by organizations throughout the supply chain (ver. 3.3)” states that the consumption tax is included in the emissions intensity. Figures for emissions before fiscal 2021 do not include consumption tax, but no adjustment has been made because the effect is insignificant.
  • As for Category 3 (fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2), some figures have been corrected due to errors in the data from fiscal 2020 and 2021.
  • As for Category 9 (downstream transportation and distribution), figures for CO2 emissions of pharmaceutical wholesaling in fiscal 2021 were used for calculations of CO2 emissions in fiscal 2022, because CO2 emissions of pharmaceutical wholesaling in fiscal 2022 have not been released yet. As for total sales of pharmaceutical wholesaling and sales of our products in pharmaceutical wholesale segment, we used figures for fiscal 2022.

Partnership Initiatives

Partnership with Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Associations of JAPAN

We participate in activities of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Associations of Japan (FPMAJ) through our membership in the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association (JPMA), an FPMAJ member. FPMAJ is member of the Japan Business Federation (KEIDANREN), which supports the Japanese Government's "2050 Carbon Neutral Declaration," has expressed its determination to work together with the Government to achieve it and drawn up a "Carbon Neutral Action Plan." Based on this action plan, FPMAJ has set the long-term vision of the Carbon Neutral Action Plan for the pharmaceutical industry as "achieving net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050" and established the Phase II target of "reducing CO2 emissions by 46% (research laboratories, plants, offices, and sales vehicles) from fiscal 2013 level by fiscal 2030," and is thus promoting the reduction in CO2 emissions. We are also participating in this action plan. Furthermore, we are proactively working to advance the action plan not only serving as chairman of the Environmental Committee (now the Environmental Issue Committee) of JPMA in 2018 but also serving as vice-chairman of the Environment Committee of FPMAJ in 2019.

Also, in line with Japanese Government policy, FPMAJ is working on reducing emissions of chlorofluorocarbons, which are also GHGs, and has established "Chlorofluorocarbon Study Subcommittee," a specialist subcommittee. The subcommittee has drawn up a voluntary action plan including numerical goals and in addition to carrying out activities to control emissions of chlorofluorocarbon substitutes (HFCs) used in quantitative spray aerosols is supporting policy execution through regular reporting to the Industrial Structure Council of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Since Sumitomo Pharma imports and sells Qvar®, an inhaled steroid asthma therapy containing HFC-134a as a propellant, we participate in subcommittee efforts to reduce HFCs and collaborate with the regulatory authorities.

Participating in Japan Climate Initiative

Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) is a network of companies, local governments, NGOs and others in Japan that actively tackles climate change with an aim to strengthen information dissemination and information exchange to realize a decarbonized society. In an endorsement of JCI's declaration that it is "Joining the front line of the global push for decarbonization from Japan," Sumitomo Pharma has been participating since October 2018. By publishing messages and sending letters to the Government, JCI has been seeking stronger measures against climate change. Sumitomo Pharma endorses the following JCI messages.

  • "Long-term Strategy Demonstrating Japan's Leadership in Achieving a Decarbonized Society to the World" published on May 16 2019*7
  • "JCI Message to the Japanese Government Calling for Ambitious 2030 Goals to Realize the Paris Agreement" published on April 19 2021*8
  • "Now is the time to accelerate renewable energy deployment -Calling for stronger climate change action in the midst of the fossil energy crisis-" published on June 3, 2022*9
  • "Overcoming Two Crises with Renewable Energy and Carbon Pricing" published on April 12, 2023*10