Top Management Commitment

Message from the President

Toru Kimura ,Representative Director, President and CEO Toru Kimura ,Representative Director, President and CEO

Promoting Sustainability Management to Achieve Sustained Growth

Sumitomo Pharma Group defines the practice of its Mission, "To broadly contribute to society through value creation based on innovative research and development activities for the betterment of healthcare and fuller lives of people worldwide," that contributes to the realization of a sustainable society and leads to the sustained enhancement of its corporate value as "Sustainability Management."

In order to promote Sustainability Management, it is important to integrate diverse and changing issues and needs of society into business. We are committed to addressing and resolving health-related issues, which we consider as our primary social issues, by utilizing the strengths of our Group. The number of people suffering from non-communicable diseases is increasing on the background of global population growth and other factors, and medical needs for psychiatric and neurological disorders and cancer are expanding as aging of the population progresses.
I believe that the Group has a responsibility to continuously create innovative solutions to these health issues. We would like to contribute to the building of a healthy and vibrant society by continuing to provide value that only the Group can offer, not only to support the well-being of patients, but also to assist their families and caregivers. We have positioned “Development of innovative products and healthcare solutions” as most important among our Material Issues, which we identify based on the two axes of “expectations from society” and “impact on corporate value enhancement.”

On the other hand, in order to deliver value as soon as possible, we recognize the immediate improvement of our Group's financial situation as our top priority at present and will exert maximum effort with a sense of urgency. We are working on a wide range of new products, from small molecule drugs based on our cumulative experience and expertise to regenerative medicine & cell therapy utilizing technologies acquired through our pioneering efforts. We aim to establish a unique global position by bringing innovation to conventional treatment systems through a variety of approaches and contributing to all phases of the patient journey, from disease prevention to return to society.
Innovation is necessary to generate these advanced solutions, and the source of this innovation is human resources (HR). “Instilling corporate culture and implementing HR strategies” is one of priority issues identified in the MTBP2027, and we will work to build up an HR portfolio, empower diverse HR, and penetrate our philosophy globally to maintain a sense of unity and high engagement within the Group. Through these efforts, we will achieve individual and business growth and continuously provide value to society.

We are committed to creating innovative products and healthcare solutions that will best contribute to Goal 3 (good health and well-being) of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are also committed to environmental initiatives such as those to tackle climate change, which humanity urgently needs to address; respect for human rights of our stakeholders including employees; and promotion of compliance to further enhance corporate ethics as a company in the life sciences industry. Thus, while focusing on Goal 3, we will continue to help society be more sustainable and strive for the sustained growth of the Group by further strengthening our efforts to achieve goals beyond Goal 3 throughout our entire business.

Finally, on behalf of Sumitomo Pharma, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all stakeholders for your interest in the Company and ask for your continued understanding and support.

Message from the Executive Officer

Naoki Noguchi, Executive Officer, Corporate Governance, Corporate Communications Naoki Noguchi, Executive Officer, Corporate Governance, Corporate Communications

Instilling Our Philosophy and Identifying, Updating, and Focusing on Material Issues

Instilling Our Philosophy

The Sumitomo Pharma Group Philosophy comprises the Mission as the significance of the Group’s existence, commitment and duty to society, the Values (Patient First, Always with Integrity, One Diverse Team) as standards to be shared by all executives and employees, and the Declaration of Conduct as a code to be followed in our daily work. Even in a challenging business environment, we believe it is critical to instill our Philosophy, which is the foundation on which all executives and employees base their business operations, so that our Group can contribute to solving social issues and continue to increase our corporate value. We will further enhance the Group's sense of unity by such means as expanding this to all Group companies, posting notices on each company's intranet, and conducting regular educational programs.

For more information on the Group's Philosophy, please see “Philosophy.”

Material Issues: Focused Efforts and Continuous Updates

We identified the Material Issues in July 2018; however, we thoroughly reviewed our Material Issues in March 2023, based on subsequent social changes, the progress of our initiatives, and dialogues with our stakeholders. In this update, we are particularly conscious of the need to both contribute to a sustainable society and achieve our own sustained growth by creating value that only we can deliver, utilizing the Group's capital (strengths) in response to the diverse and changing social expectations and demands. To these ends, we have identified important issues to be addressed as Material Issues.

Along with the identification of Material Issues, we have also set the targets and KPIs for the Material Issues. For example, for one of the KPI for our most important Material Issue, “Development of innovative products and healthcare solutions,” we have set a target of launching seven products, including non-pharmaceutical solutions, in the Psychiatry & Neurology area by FY2027. By focusing on and continuously updating Material Issues in this way, we hope to create value more efficiently and effectively, thereby contributing to solving social issues and growing as a company with a meaningful existence.

For more information on the Group's Material Issues, please see “Material Issues.”