Sep. 12, 2023 D&I

【Sumitomo Pharma Expresses Support for “Business for Marriage Equality” - Initiative supporting marriage equality (legalization of same-sex marriage) in Japan】

In August 2023, Sumitomo Pharma expressed our support for the "Business for Marriage Equality (BME)" campaign to visualize companies supportive of marriage equality (legalization of same-sex marriage) in Japan.

Business for Marriage Equality (BME) logo

Business for Marriage Equality (BME) logo

Organized by 3 non-profit organizations in Japan, "BME" is a campaign aiming to identify companies that support marriage equality (legalization of same-sex marriage). Marriage For All Japan (MFAJ, public interest corporation), Lawyers for LGBT & Allies Network (LLAN, NPO) and Nijiiro Diversity (certified NPO) have been working together in the search for supportive companies.

As of September 6, 2023, 445 companies and organizations had expressed their support.

◆See here for the BME website:

Sumitomo Pharma clearly states in its Compliance Standards that we will not discriminate on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity and actively promote understanding of LGBTQ and other types of sexual diversity. We have been holding trainings and seminars for all employees, set up a consultation desk for sexual diversity issues and in April 2020, introduced a same-sex partnership arrangement in company housing, congratulatory and bereavement systems, under which same-sex partners are treated equally as spouses.

These initiatives have been highly evaluated based on the Pride Index and Sumitomo Pharma has received a Gold Award for 3 consecutive years since 2020. This is an index established by "work with Pride", a voluntary organization for evaluating LGTBQ-related initiatives in the workplace.

In the future, Sumitomo Pharma will continue focusing on creating workplaces where all employees are free to realize their full potential.


Details of our initiatives to promote understanding of LGBTQ can be found below.

▼Sustainability > Social > Diversity and Inclusion