Environmental Goals and Performance

Environmental Goals

Sumitomo Pharma has clarified priority issues related to its environmental activities and has established its Mid-term Environmental Goals as the action targets to realize these goals and make continuous improvements.
In our Mid-term Environmental Goals, which set their evaluation period from fiscal 2021 to fiscal 2023, we have established seven priority issues. In addition, based on domestic and international trends, including the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, we have established our Long-term Environmental Goals to be achieved by fiscal 2030 and fiscal 2050 for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water withdrawal, and waste. With regard to our Long-term Environmental Goals, we also evaluate our progress in our three-year Mid-term Environmental Goals and implement measures to achieve these goals.
For more information on the positioning of our environmental initiatives in Material Issues, as well as their goals and KPIs, please see "Material Issues."

Mid- to Long-term Environmental Goals and Major Achievements

Priority issues Target FY Target*1 Indicator FY2022
Achievement Progress/Results
Creating low-carbon society FY2030 Reduce GHG emissions to control the increase in the global average temperatures. <Previous Indicator(until FY2022)>
Reduce GHG emissions (Scope 1+2) by 35% from fiscal 2017.*2
Reduced by 47% compared to base year
<New Indicator②(Consolidated basis*3 from FY2023)>
Reduce GHG emissions (Scope 1+2) by 42% from fiscal 2020 by fiscal 2030.*2
Reduce GHG emissions (Scope 3, Category1*) by 25% from fiscal 2020 by fiscal 2030.
* purchased goods and services
FY2050 Reduce GHG emissions to control the increase in the global average temperatures. <Previous Indicator(until FY2022)>
Aiming at zero GHG emissions (Scope 1+2) by fiscal 2050.*2
40 thousand t-CO2
<New Indicator②(Consolidated basis*3 from FY2023)>
Aiming at zero GHG emissions (Scope 1+2) by fiscal 2050.*2
Single-year Promote energy-saving efforts through efficient use of energy. <Indicator>Reduce 5-year average per-unit energy consumption by 1% or more. 1.4% reduction
Effective use of resources(Water) FY2030 Reduce water withdrawal to conserve water resources. <Indicator>Reduce water withdrawal by 12% from fiscal 2018. Good progress Reduce by 5% compared to base year
Effective use of resources(Waste) Single-year Manage and dispose of waste properly and promote the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) to efficiently use limited resources. <Indicator①>Maintain recycling rate at 80% or higher and aim for at least 85% by fiscal 2030. × 72%
<Indicator②>Maintain final disposal rate at less than 1% and aim for less than 0.5% by fiscal 2030. 0.3%
Management of chemical substances Single-year Manage chemicals appropriately to prevent air, water, and soil pollution. <Indicator>Maintain atmospheric emission rate of PRTR substances at less than 1%. 0.3%
<Indicator>Maintain atmospheric emission rate of VOC substances at less than 1%. 0.7%
Single-year As a manufacturer/seller of antimicrobials, responsibly advance efforts to address drug resistance (AMR: antimicrobial resistance). <Indicator>Conduct regular AMR audits of Oita Plant. (FY not applicable)
Compliance with laws and regulations
Prevention of environmental accidents
Single-year Develop the Environmental Management Operation Manual to operate the Environmental Management System, and continually improve it. <Indicator①>Maintain ISO14001 certification for 2 plants. Suzuka and Oita plants
<Indicator②>Regularly carry out internal environmental audits. Conducted for 6 business sites
<Indicator③>Aim at zero serious violations of laws and regulations and zero environmental accidents. 0 incidents
Education, raising awareness Single-year Ensure that all employees understand the importance of environmental conservation through continuous environmental education. <Indicator>Make Japanese "Environment Month (June)" an environmental awareness month and have all staff participate through awareness-enhancing messages from the executive officer in charge.(Every year) Done
Biodiversity conservation Single-year Encourage each business site actively participate in local activities that contribute to biodiversity (cleaning up riverbeds, etc.) Done (decreased due to the pandemic)
Proper information disclosure
Evaluation and management of risks and opportunities
Single-year Disclose reliable environmental data in an appropriate and timely manner, and actively engage in dialogue with stakeholders. <Indicator>Evaluate and manage risks and opportunities related to climate change and water and disclose relevant information. Disclose information according to TCFD Recommendations
  • *1For indicators for which no target year is stated in the Target FY column, the evaluation period FY2021-2023 applies.
  • *2As for the Med-Term Environmental Goals (FY 2021-2023), progress is evaluated against the Long-Term Environmental Goals, and we develop and implement necessary measures to achieve the targets accordingly.
  • *3All other indiators are non-consolidated.

For more information on calculation criteria details, please see "ESG Data Table."

Environmental Accounting

At Sumitomo Pharma, we undertake environmental accounting to gain a quantitative understanding of the investments and costs associated with environmental protection and the relative effectiveness of each. The calculated results for fiscal 2022 performance are as follows.

Time Period Covered and Scope

Period covered: April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023
Scope: Non-consolidated basis
Method of calculation: Followed "Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005" (Ministry of the Environment, Japan)

(Millions of Yen)

Classification of the cost of environmental protection Key initiative Investment Expenditure
1. Business area costs (1) Pollution prevention cost - Prevention of air pollution (exhaust gas treatment, maintenance and control of treatment equipment, measurement and analysis of exhaust gas)
- Prevention of water pollution (wastewater treatment, maintenance and management of wastewater treatment facilities, measurement and analysis of wastewater)
1.3 209.7
(2) Global environmental protection cost - Promotion of energy conservation (use of LEDs)
- Prevention of global warming (proper collection of CFCs)
136.0 89.8
(3) Resources recycling cost Treatment and recycling of waste 0.0 266.8
2. Upstream and downstream costs Outsourcing of recycling of containers and packaging 0.0 4.7
3. Administration cost - Maintenance and operation of environmental management systems
- Nature conservation, planting of greenery, etc.
0.0 126.3
4. Research and development cost

0.0 0.0
5. Social activities cost - Communication with the local community 0.0 0.2
6. Environmental remediation cost

0.0 0.1
7. Other costs

0.0 0.0

137.4 697.6

Economic Effect

The economic effect of environmental protection measures was calculated using only the effects that could be computed on a firm basis, and no effects estimated through hypothetical calculations were included.

(Millions of yen)

Particulars Economic effect
Effect of recycling activity 2.8
Effect of resource saving 0.0
Effect of energy saving 0.0
Total 2.8

Effect of Environmental Protection

The environmental impact was calculated and totaled on the basis of environmental performance indices, and the effect of environmental protection is presented here through a simple comparison with the previous year.

Particulars of the effect Classification Increase/decrease of environmental impact Environmental impact in FY 2022
Effect on resources used for business activities Energy consumption [MWh] 1,145 233,797
Water withdrawal [thousand t] -10 804
Effect on environmental impact and waste arising from business activities CO2 emissions [t-CO2] -12,890 40,226
PRTR substances released into the atmosphere [t] -0.3 2.7
SOx released [t] -0.1 0.2
NOx released [t] -5.9 31.6
Dust emissions [t] -0.1 0.1
Total amount of water discharged [thousand t] -10 804
BOD load [t] 0.0 0.2
COD load [t] -0.2 2.0
Final disposal of waste [t] -4 14