Inquiries about Privacy Practices and Compliance


Please check this FAQ before making your inquiry.

  • What is your approach to handling of personal information?


    We ensure the proper handling of personal information in accordance with our Policy on Protection of Personal Information/Individual Numbers. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further details.

Inquiries about Privacy Practices

Personal Information/Individual Number Consultation Desk

Tel +81-3-5205-3728
Opening hours 09:00–12:00, 13:00–17:00 (JST, excluding weekends, public holidays, and other rest days)

Inquiries about Compliance

Compliance Hotline

We have set up a dedicated Compliance Hotline which you can use to report or inquire about actual or potential compliance violation involving us or our products. Please be sure to check the information about the Compliance Hotline available here before using our Compliance Hotline.

Dedicated website
Dedicated website
Common ID: smphotline
Common Password: smphotline

Telephone hotline
Tel +81-120-783-805
Please tell the operator that you are calling in relation to “Sumitomo Pharma, company code 374.”

Opening hours:13:00–21:00 (excluding weekends, public holidays, as well as year-end and New Year holiday season)

  • NB: The aforementioned dedicated website as well as the telephone hotline are operated by D-Quest, Inc. on our behalf.

Other Inquiries