Inquiries about our Products (Patients and the General Public)


Please check this FAQ before making your inquiry.

  • How can I find out more about your drugs that were prescribed by medical institutions (hospitals and clinics)?


    For inquiries about our prescription drugs, please call our Product Information Center at the number given below.

  • How can I find out which products are manufactured or marketed by you?


    Information about our products are published on our health information portal (in Japanese only).

Inquiries about our Products

Product Information Center

Tel. +81-120-885-736
Opening hours 09:00–17:30 (JST, excluding weekends, public holidays, and other rest days)
  • Calls to our Product Information Center will be recorded to ensure the appropriateness of our call handling.
    If you call us, your personal information may be used for the following purposes:
    - To consider, investigate, and respond to your inquiries and messages.
    - To notify or inform the company that manufactures/markets the relevant product and other companies we have partnered with.
    - To notify or report to the relevant regulator.
    Before submitting your inquiry, please be sure to read our Privacy Policy.
    Please note that we are unable to respond to inquiries concerning specific illnesses or treatments and other inquiries relating to medical practice.
  • Our response to your inquiry will in principle be given over the telephone.
  • If you wish to contact us outside the opening hours, please use the Inquiry Form.

Other Inquiries