Human Rights
Basic Policy for Human Rights
We uphold respecting human rights as one of the Material Issues that contribute to building a sustainable society as well as the sustained growth of the Sumitomo Pharma Group. In the "Declaration of Conduct: Item 5. Respect Human Rights," we clearly support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Core Labour Standards and, in conformance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, articulates our commitment to complying with laws pertaining to labor and employment in our countries and regions of business.
As for measures that concern respecting human rights, in the "Compliance Standard: Item 25. Respect for Human Rights, Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassing Behavior, and Prohibition of Harassment", we clearly reject any discrimination or harassment based on race, nationality, ethnic or social origin, ancestry, ethnicity, age, religion, faith or belief, sex and gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, academic background, disability, disease, employment status, or any other status.
To prevent and mitigate the human rights risks throughout Sumitomo Pharma Group's business activities, a resolution was passed by the Board of Directors that led to the SMP Group Human Rights Policy. The policy was established and put into force on March 1, 2022, and serves as high-level guidelines for all documents and rules pertaining to efforts aimed at respecting human rights throughout the Group.
Respecting Human Rights Promotion System
On September 1, 2022, we established and endorsed the Rules for Promotion of Respecting Human Rights, which stipulates systems and procedures for each department to appropriately promote respect for human rights. Efforts for respecting human rights are shared with the compliance promotion system and the risk management promotion system, and reported to the Board of Directors on a regular basis (at least once a year) for supervision.
In accordance with the Rules for Promotion of Respecting Human Rights, we have set up a secretariat, which is headed by the Executive Officer in charge of promotion of respecting human rights, at the Corporate Governance Department, and have established a system that promotes respect for human rights in each department, including conducting due diligence*. The secretariat assists our departments in their efforts to respect human rights as well as monitors the Group's activities to promote respect for human rights, providing guidance and advice.
- *A series of processes for assessing adverse impacts on human rights, responding to survey results, conducting follow-up surveys, and disseminating information about response methods.
To ensure a comprehensive understanding of these systems and efforts, as well as the internal dissemination of our basic policy for human rights, we conduct annual e-learning training on "Business and Human Rights" for all employees, around the time of Human Rights Week in December. In December 2023, we focused the training on the theme of human rights due diligence.
Respecting Human Rights Promotion System Chart
Human Rights Due Diligence
Under the respecting human rights promotion system, since fiscal 2022, we have conducted human rights risk assessments for the Group engaging external consultants, as part of our human rights due diligence. In fiscal 2023, we carried out human rights risks survey using a Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ), including matters related to the prohibition of forced labor, child labor, and discrimination, fair treatment, wages and working hours, freedom of association, and respect for indigenous peoples' lives and local communities. This survey targeted group companies outside of Europe and North America. In fiscal 2024, we intend to expand the survey to group companies in Europe and North America and identify human right risks of the Group. We also further strengthen our efforts in promoting respect for human rights within the Sumitomo Pharma Group.
For our business partners, we have initiated the "Sustainability Survey" based on our "Sustainable Code of Conduct for Business Partners" and are advancing collaboration with our business partners to achieve a sustainable society and environment throughout the value chain. The Sustainability Survey also includes matters related to respect for human rights as mentioned above. In fiscal 2023, we requested responses to a "Sustainability Survey" from 10 major domestic primary suppliers. In fiscal 2024, we will analyze the responses, provide feedback on the evaluation results to the surveyed companies, and request improvement plan development as necessary. Furthermore, we intend to select new business partners for evaluation to expand the scope of sustainability assessment.
For more information on the Sustainability Survey, please see "Sustainable Code of Conduct for Business Partners."
Consultation and Reporting on Human Rights Issues
Sumitomo Pharma has established a Compliance Hotline that is available not only to officers and employees of our Group companies, but also to family members, business partners, and all other persons who are involved in any way in the business of our Group companies to consult or report any adverse impacts or concerns regarding human rights. If you would like to use the Compliance Hotline, please see "Inquiries about Privacy Practices and Compliance."
Initiatives to Prevent Harassment
Sexual harassment and power harassment in the workplace, as actions that hurt the dignity of individuals, are
important issues related to the infringement of human rights. Sumitomo Pharma has a clearly stated
anti-harassment policy in its employment regulations, which specifies that violations of this policy will be
subject to disciplinary action.
In our in-house training, we provide education on the relationship between our business activities and human
rights, deepening the understanding that each individual employee has about human rights. In our new employee
training, we aim to foster awareness that respect for human rights as a company engaged in drug research and
development, manufacture and sales. Moreover, we thoroughly ensure that employees acquire proper knowledge and
raise awareness of preventing harassment through grade-specific training and training for managers.
In fiscal 2022, we gave all employees e-learning training to help them understand various forms of harassment, how to deal with them, and unconscious bias. In fiscal 2023, we focused on harassment prevention as the common theme for internal compliance education and provided training on preventing sexual and power harassment.
We operate consultation desks and hotlines to ensure a workplace environment in which every employee is
able to concentrate on his/her work with a sense of security. Our consultation services are equipped with
duty of confidentiality, and protect the consulters' privacy. We also take measures to provide a safe and
comfortable environment for consultations, protecting the consulters from any disadvantageous treatment
such as retaliation or harassment.
We have designated personnel in charge of consultation services at our main business sites, including our
head offices, creating an organization that can respond promptly and considerately to complaints and
inquiries. The entire company is committed to preventing any harassment.
For more information on consultation desks, please see “Health, Safety, and Welfare of Employees."
Relationship with the Workers Union
Sumitomo Pharma Workers Union comprises employees from the Sumitomo Pharma. As regular workers-management consultation bodies, the Workers Union and the company proactively exchange opinions based on each perspective on human capital management and workplace health and safety.
Other Human Rights
- For more information on respecting human rights in clinical trials, please see “Endeavors for Clinical Trials."
- For more information on respecting human rights in the Research Ethics, please see “Research Ethics Committee." (in Japanese only)
- For more information on respecting human rights in global health, please see “Initiatives to Improve Access to Medicines."